E-logging System
- This is a Plant data Management System.
- Smarter and faster e-logging for plant process parameters based on RFID.
- Helps in compliance of regulatory requirement for plant monitoring.
- Its useful for monitoring all parameters, status of all equipments , especially for stand-alone.
How It Works
Show Authorizer Card / Place Finger
Hand Held Terminal (HHT) for operator input
Docking station to collect data from HHT and to charge it
Server which contains all data and application
Work station for report generation and configuration
Role based responsibility -
- operator for tour & data entry .
- Engineer to configure, generate reports.
- Maintenance team for placing equipment under maintenance or back in service.
- Admin to manage system, database.
- RFID tags at locations tracks the monitoring.
- On swipe, gives the list of parameter/status for data collection & entry.
- Support for digital, status, analog signals.
- Pre-configured route, parameters prompts; no need to remember.
- Automatic prompt for next parameter.
- Facility to capture photos, audio, video at locations.
- Automatic alarm alerts, irrational value alerts, maintenance alerts.
HHT accessible only to authorised operators.
Authentic readings at locations assured by RFID technology
Compliance for regulatory requirements assured
Graphs, bar graphs of selected parameters over time.
Tour logs of selected tour along with photos, videos.
Tour status with parameters monitored.
Tours done by an operator.
Tours done on specific dates.
Equipments under maintenance.
Details of selected equipment like its status, maintenance dates, etc.
Master reports - locations, tags, equipments, parameters, tours, operators.
- Equipments, parameters of it
- Locations to identify RFID tags.
- Assign equipments to location tag.
- Make tours, assign equipment, schedule.
- Day-wise, weekwise, datewise tour configuration.