TLDGuard – TLD Management System
TLDguard can hold TLDs securely using RFID-based technology. It locks TLDs and prevents unauthorized TLD access, thus guarding against misuse of TLDs.
- Control access to TLDs
- Automatic user identification
- TLD usage logging and reporting
- Quick ROI by relieving Health Physicists
- Easy onboarding & user-friendly
- Life Time Support
How It Works
TLDs Become Smart TLDs
RFID tag attached to each TLD and the Smart-TLD is uniquely identified and locked in the TLD cabinet.
Authenticate To Pickup TLD
Show Authorizer Card / Place Finger
Door Unlocked
Return TLDs
TLDs can be placed in any slot. TLDguard will recognize and log the returns.
TLDGuard holds TLDs and provides access only on user authentication.
Easy For Your Users
TLD is quickly issued to only authorized user, guarding against TLD misuse.TLDs can be issued for a limited time. Users can return TLD to any slot.
Authenticate your way
- User identification using RFID card, numeric pin code, or Barcode
- Biometric identification using Fingerprint, Facial, or Iris recognition
- Or even combination of above.
Secure and Strong
TLDGuard prevents unauthorized access to TLDs.
Tamper Resistant
- Each TLD is protectively locked in individual slots. TLD slots can withstand 1000N force against unauthorized access.
- Senses tampering of TLDs or the cabinet. Built-in tamper alarm.
Robust Build
- MS powder-coated cabinet with SS front plate. Durable in Industrial environments..
Add more security
- Dual Authentication
- Automated Safety Door
- Integrated Camera
Logs and Reports
Activity Logging
- Every TLD issue and return is logged. Real-time tracking of available keys, drawn keys, and overdue keys.
- Store events on the embedded server in the TLDguard or an external server.
Provides reports of drawn TLDs and late TLDs. Generates monthly TLD usage report. Alerts on unused TLDs. Logs and reports up to 2,000,000 Transaction Events.
Always Be Connected
Seamless Communication
- Ethernet LAN
- GPRS connectivity for off-campus host
- Alerts over email, SMS
Add Inputs and Alarms
Two Programmable digital input/outputs. Uses include inputs and alarms.
GM tube to measure Gross Radiation monitoring of TLDs and generate alert.
Size to Your Needs
Sizes range from 12 TLDs to 180 TLDs.
TLDguard Size
- 12-180 TLDs can be stored in each TLDguard
- Connect multiple TLDguards across your enterprise network.
Expands when you need it
Field expandable with a modular design. Upgrade even after installation. Add TLD slots, cabinets, or TLDguards to your network and manage all from one software.
Software enables large scale
Scale up to 10,000 TLDs and 40,000 users with the TLDguard software.
Store other modules
DRD module
Wrist Band TLD module
Neutron Badge
Pick your Color
Available in Black and Siemens Grey colors
Technical Specifications
TLD tag
RFID tag attached to each TLD .
TLD Functionality is not altered in any manner.
- Dispense your TLD in under 3sec.
- Authenticate your RFID Card in under 0.2sec.
Power supply
- 80-270V AC at 50-60Hz.
- 4 hours Battery backup power supply.
- 24W peak power consumption
Customer Stories
![Plant Manager](
![- plant supervisor](
![- Health Physicist in a plant](